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#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct item { int len; char *str; item *next; }; item* listOfStrings = 0; item* lastItem = 0; item *input() { cout << "Input string or '0' to stop input" << endl; while (1) { int lenght = 0; if (!scanf_s("%d", &lenght, sizeof(lenght))) { break; } if ((0 == lenght)&&(!isdigit(lenght))) { break; } if ((lenght > 9)&&(lenght/10 > 1)) { break; } item *currentItem = new item; currentItem->len = lenght; currentItem->str = new char[lenght + 1]; currentItem->str[lenght] = 0; currentItem->next = NULL; if (!scanf_s("%s", currentItem->str, currentItem->len + 1)) { break; } if (0 == listOfStrings) { listOfStrings = currentItem; lastItem = currentItem; } else { lastItem->next = currentItem; lastItem = currentItem; } } return lastItem; } item *output() { if (listOfStrings == 0) { exit(1); } item * currentItem = listOfStrings; while (currentItem) { printf_s("%s\n", currentItem->str, currentItem->len); currentItem = currentItem->next; } } item *outputNthString(int n) { if (listOfStrings == 0) { exit(1); } item * currentItem = listOfStrings; while ((currentItem)&&(n!=0)) { currentItem = currentItem->next; n--; } printf_s("%s\n", currentItem->str, currentItem->len); } int main() { int choose; while (true) { cout << "1)Input data" << endl; cout << "2)Output data" << endl; cout << "3)Output Nth string" << endl; cin >> choose; switch (choose) { case 1: {if (!input()){exit(0); }; continue; } case 2: {output(); continue; } case 3: { int n; cout << "Input number of string" << endl; cin >> n; outputNthString(n-1); continue; } default: {exit(0); } } } system("pause"); return 0; }
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