search character in random word

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var commonWords = [ "the","of","and","a","to","in","is","you","that","it","he", "was","for","on","are","as","with","his","they","I","at","be", "this","have","from","or","one","had","by","word","but","not", "what","all","were","we","when","your","can","said","there", "use","an","each","which","she","do","how","their","if","will", "up","other","about","out","many","then","them","these","so", "some","her","would","make","like","him","into","time","has", "look","two","more","write","go","see","number","no","way", "could","people","my","than","first","water","been","call", "who","oil","its","now","find","long","down","day","did","get", "come","made","may","part" ]; // Create a function that choses a random word from `commonWords` and returns it var chooseRandomWord = function(array) { return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; } var chosenWord = chooseRandomWord(commonWords); console.log(chosenWord); var counter = 10; var triedCharacters = []; var correctCharacters = []; // Create a function that accepts a single character argument var checkForCharacter = function(character) { // The function should check the `chosenWord` for that character console.log("Trying char: " + character); triedCharacters.push[character]; for(let i = 0; i < chosenWord.length; i++){ if(character == chosenWord[i]){ correctCharacters.push(character); console.log("Correct char: " + character); return true; } } return false; // The function should return true if the character is in the given word // The function should return false if the character is not in the given word // The function should only be able to return true or false a certain number of times (the number stored in the `counter` variable) // The function should store and console.log every letter that has been passed to this function in the `triedCharacters` array // The function should store and console.log every letter in `chosenWord` that has been passed to this function in the `correctCharacters` array // If every letter in `chosenWord` word has been passed to this function, console.log "you guessed it" } console.log(checkForCharacter('e'));
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