FeM | Crockford functions

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console.log('_________CHALLENGE 01________'); let add = (a,b)=>a+b; let mul = (a,b)=>a*b; let sub = (a,b)=>a-b; console.log('sum:',add(3,4)); console.log('mul:',mul(3,4)); console.log('sub:',sub(3,4)); let identityf = a=>()=>a;// same as function(a){retunr function(){return a;};} let three = identityf(3); console.log('three exec:',three()); let addf = a=>{ return function(b){ return a+b; }; }; console.log('addf:',addf(3)(4)); let liftf = function(binaryFunc){ return function(a){ return function(b){ return binaryFunc(a,b); }; }; }; let add2 = liftf(add); console.log('liftf:',add2(3)(4)); /////////////////////////////////////////challenge 2/////////////////////////////// console.log('_________CHALLENGE 02________'); //let curry = function(binaryFunc, a){ // return function(b){ // return binaryFunc(a,b) // } //} let curry = (bFunc, a)=> liftf(bFunc)(a); let add3 = curry(add,3); console.log('add3:',add3(5)); //let inc = addf(1); //let inc = liftf(add)(1); let inc = curry(add,1); console.log('inc:',inc(inc(5))); ////////////////////challenge 3//////////////////////////// console.log('_________CHALLENGE 03________'); let twice = bf=>(a)=>bf(a,a); let doubl = twice(add); let square = twice(mul); console.log('twice:',doubl(3)); console.log('twice2:',square(3)); let reverse = bf=>(a,b)=>bf(b,a); let bus = reverse(sub); console.log('reverse:',bus(2,3)); let composeu = (ufa, ufb)=>a=>ufb(ufa(a)); console.log('compose U:',composeu(doubl, square)(5)); let composeb = (bfa,bfb)=>(a,b,c)=>bfb(bfa(a,b),c); console.log('compose B:', composeb(add, mul)(2,3,7)); let limit = (func, count)=>{ return function (a,b){ if (count){ count-=1; return func(a,b); }else{ return undefined; } }; }; let limitedAdd = limit(add,1); console.log('limitedAdd 1:',limitedAdd(2,3)); console.log('limitedAdd 2:',limitedAdd(3,4)); console.log('limitedAdd 3:',limitedAdd(3,4)); ////////////////////////challenge 04/////////////////////////////// console.log('_________CHALLENGE 04________'); let from = arg=>{ return ()=>{ let buffer = arg; arg+=1; return buffer; }; }; let index = from(0); console.log('call 01 of index:',index()); console.log('call 02 of index:',index()); console.log('call 03 of index:',index()); let to = (generator, limit)=>{ return ()=>{ let x = generator(); if (x<limit){ return x; } return undefined; }; }; let limitedIndex = to(from(1), 3); console.log('call 01 of limited index:', limitedIndex()); console.log('call 02 of limited index:', limitedIndex()); console.log('call 03 of limited index:', limitedIndex()); let fromTo = (a, b)=>{ return to(from(a), b); }; let fromToIndex = fromTo(0, 3); console.log('call 01 of fromTo index:', fromToIndex()); console.log('call 02 of fromTo index:', fromToIndex()); console.log('call 03 of fromTo index:', fromToIndex()); console.log('call 04 of fromTo index:', fromToIndex()); let element = (arr, gen)=>{ return ()=>{ let index = gen(); if(index!==undefined){ return arr[index]; } return undefined; }; }; let ele = element(['a','b','c','d'],fromTo(1, 3)); console.log('call 01 of element:', ele()); console.log('call 02 of element:', ele()); console.log('call 03 of element:', ele()); let elementV2 = (arr, gen)=>{ if (gen ===undefined){ gen = fromTo(0,arr.length); } return element(arr, gen); }; let eleV2 = elementV2(['a','b','c','d']); console.log('call 01 of elementV2:', eleV2()); console.log('call 02 of elementV2:', eleV2()); console.log('call 03 of elementV2:', eleV2()); console.log('call 04 of elementV2:', eleV2()); console.log('call 05 of elementV2:', eleV2()); ////////////////////////challenge 05/////////////////////////////// console.log('_________CHALLENGE 05________'); let collect = (gen,arr)=>{ return ()=>{ let buffer = gen(); if (buffer!== undefined){ arr.push(buffer); } return buffer; } }; let array =[]; let col = collect(fromTo(0,2),array); console.log('call 01 of collector:', col()); console.log('call 02 of collector:', col()); console.log('call 03 of collector:', col()); console.log('call 04 of collector:', col()); console.log('array:', array); //Write a filter function that takes a generator and a predicate and produces a generator that produces only the values approved by the predicate. let filter = (gen, pred)=>{ return ()=>{ let value = gen(); while(!pred(value) && value!==undefined){ value = gen(); } return value; }; }; let fil = filter (fromTo(0,5), value=>{return value%3===0;}); console.log('call 01 of filter:', fil()); console.log('call 02 of filter:', fil()); console.log('call 03 of filter:', fil()); console.log('call 04 of filter:', fil()); //Write a concat function that takes two generators and produces a generator that combines the sequences let concat = (gen1, gen2)=>{ return ()=>{ let buffer = gen1(); if (buffer !== undefined){ return buffer } return gen2(); } }; let con = concat (fromTo(0,3), fromTo(0,2)); console.log('call 01 of concat:', con()); console.log('call 02 of concat:', con()); console.log('call 03 of concat:', con()); console.log('call 04 of concat:', con()); console.log('call 05 of concat:', con()); console.log('call 06 of concat:', con()); ////////////////////////challenge 06/////////////////////////////// console.log('_____________CHALLENGE 06_____________'); //Make a function gensymf that makes a function that generates unique symbols let gensymf = symbol=>{ let count = 0; return ()=>{ count += 1; return symbol.toString()+count }; }; let geng = gensymf('G'); let genh = gensymf('H'); console.log('call 01 of geng:', geng()); console.log('call 01 of genh:', genh()); console.log('call 02 of geng:', geng()); console.log('call 02 of genh:', genh()); //Make a function fibonaccif that returns a generator that will return the next fibonacci number let fibonaccif = (a, b)=>{ return ()=>{ let next = a; a = b; b+= next; return next; } } let fib = fibonaccif(0,1); console.log('call 01 of fib:', fib()); console.log('call 02 of fib:', fib()); console.log('call 03 of fib:', fib()); console.log('call 04 of fib:', fib()); console.log('call 05 of fib:', fib()); console.log('call 06 of fib:', fib());
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