For Debugging 0+1 != 1

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staload "sessions.sats" staload UN = "prelude/SATS/unsafe.sats" #define C 1 #define S 0 stadef fp (a:t@ype) = lam (p:int->protocol):int->protocol => lam n => pite (n>0, pbrch(C, pmsg(C,a)::p(n+1), pmsg(S,a)::p(n-1)), pmsg(C,a)::p(n+1)) stadef queue (a:t@ype) = pfix2 (fp a) extern fun empty {a:t@ype} (): chan(C, (queue a) 0) extern fun elem {a:t@ype} {n:nat} (chan(C, (queue a) n), a): chan(C, (queue a) (n+1)) implement empty {a} () = let fun server (out: chan(S, (queue a) 0)): void = let val _ = recurse2 {S} {lam (p:int->protocol):int->protocol => lam n => pite (n>0, pbrch(C, pmsg(C,a)::p(n+1), pmsg(S,a)::p(n-1)), pmsg(C,a)::p(n+1))} {0} out val _ = ite_false out val x = recv out val tail = empty {a} () val q = elem {a} {0} (tail, x) in cut (q, out) end in create (llam out => server out) end implement main0 () = () where { val queue = empty {int} () val _ = recurse2 {C} {fp int} {0} queue val _ = ite_false queue val _ = send (queue, 1) // This line works val _ = recurse2 {C} {fp int} {0+1} queue // But this equivalent line doesn't // val _ = recurse2 {C} {fp int} {1} queue // The constraint is as follows, // eqeq: // app(app(pfix2; lam(p; lam(n; app(pite; app(>; var(n), 0), app(pbrch; 1, app(pseq; app(pmsg; 1, int), app(var(p); app(+; var(n), 1))), app(pseq; app(pmsg; 0, int), app(var(p); app(-; var(n), 1)))), app(pseq; app(pmsg; 1, int), app(var(p); app(+; var(n), 1))))))); app(+; 0, 1)); // app(app(pfix2; lam(p; lam(n; app(pite; app(>; var(n), 0), app(pbrch; 1, app(pseq; app(pmsg; 1, int), app(var(p); app(+; var(n), 1))), app(pseq; app(pmsg; 0, int), app(var(p); app(-; var(n), 1)))), app(pseq; app(pmsg; 1, int), app(var(p); app(+; var(n), 1))))))); 1))) // // it is saying "0+1 == 1" can not be verified. However, it is obviously true. val _ = $UN.cast2void queue } //// implement elem {a} (inp, x) = let fun server (out: chan(S,queue(a)), inp: chan(C,queue(a))): void = let val _ = recurse out val c = offer out in case+ c of | ~Left() => let val y = recv out val _ = recurse inp val _ = choose (inp, Left()) val _ = send (inp, y) in server (out, inp) end | ~Right() => let val _ = choose (out, Right()) val _ = send (out, x) in cut (out, inp) end end in create (llam out => server (out, inp)) end
#define ATS_EXTERN_PREFIX "libsession_" sortdef role = {a:int|a==0||a==1} datasort protocol = | pmsg of (int, vt@ype) | prpt of (int, protocol) | pbrch of (int, protocol, protocol) | pend of (int) | pseq of (protocol, protocol) | pquan of (int, int -> protocol) | pquan2 of (int, int -> protocol, int -> bool) | pfix of (protocol -> protocol) | pite of (bool, protocol, protocol) stacst pfix2: ((int -> protocol) -> (int -> protocol)) -> (int -> protocol) stacst pfix3: (((int,int)->protocol) -> ((int,int)->protocol)) -> ((int,int) -> protocol) #define :: pseq absvtype chan (int, protocol) fun create {r:role} {p:protocol} (chan (1-r, p) -<lincloptr1> void): chan (r, p) fun send {r:role} {p:protocol} {a:vt@ype} (!chan (r, pmsg(r,a) :: p) >> chan (r, p), a): void fun recv {r:role} {p:protocol} {a:vt@ype} (!chan (r, pmsg(1-r,a) :: p) >> chan (r, p)): a fun close {r:role} {p:protocol} (chan (r, pend r)): void fun wait {r:role} {p:protocol} (chan (r, pend (1-r))): void fun ite_true {r:role} {pt,pf:protocol} (!chan(r, pite (true, pt, pf)) >> chan(r, pt)): void fun ite_false {r:role} {pt,pf:protocol} (!chan(r, pite (false, pt, pf)) >> chan (r, pf)): void datavtype choice (protocol, p:protocol, q:protocol) = | Left (p, p, q) of () | Right (q, p, q) of () fun offer {r:role} {p1,p2:protocol} (!chan (r, pbrch(1-r,p1,p2)) >> chan (r, p)): #[p:protocol] choice (p, p1, p2) fun choose {r:role} {p,p1,p2:protocol} (!chan (r, pbrch(r,p1,p2)) >> chan (r, p), choice (p, p1, p2)): void fun unroll1 {r:role} {p1,p2:protocol} {n:int|n>0} (!chan (r, prpt(n,p1) :: p2) >> chan (r, p1 :: prpt(n-1,p1) :: p2)): void fun unroll0 {r:role} {p1,p2:protocol} (!chan (r, prpt(0,p1) :: p2) >> chan (r, p2)): void fun unify {r:role} {fp:int->protocol} (!chan (r, pquan (r, fp)) >> {n:int} chan (r, fp(n))): void fun exify {r:role} {fp:int->protocol} (!chan (r, pquan (1-r, fp)) >> [n:int] chan (r, fp(n))): void fun unify2 {r:role} {fp:int->protocol} {guard:int->bool} (!chan (r, pquan2 (r, fp, guard)) >> {n:int|guard(n)} chan (r, fp(n))): void fun exify2 {r:role} {fp:int->protocol} {guard:int->bool} (!chan (r, pquan2 (1-r, fp, guard)) >> [n:int|guard(n)] chan (r, fp(n))): void fun recurse {r:role} {p:protocol} {fp:protocol->protocol} (!chan (r, pfix (fp)) >> chan (r, fp (pfix (fp)))): void fun recurse2 {r:role} {fp:(int->protocol)->(int->protocol)} {n:int} (!chan (r, (pfix2 fp) n) >> chan(r, (fp (pfix2 fp)) n)): void fun recurse3 {r:role} {fp:((int,int)->protocol)->((int,int)->protocol)} {m,n:int} (!chan(r, (pfix3 fp)(n,m)) >> chan(r, (fp(pfix3 fp))(n,m))): void fun cut {r:role} {p:protocol} (chan (r,p), chan (1-r,p)): void
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