my $stuff = q:to/END/;
State Capitals Quiz
Alabama - Montgomery
Alaska - Juneau
Arizona - Phoenix
Arkansas - Little Rock
California - Sacramento
Colorado - Denver
Connecticut - Hartford
Delaware - Dover
Florida - Tallahassee
Georgia - Atlanta
Hawaii - Honolulu
my @lines = $stuff.lines;
my $quiz-name = @lines.shift;
say $quiz-name;
# Method #1 - This version works how I want it to.
.split(" - ").Hash.say for @lines;
# Method #2 - This does not work how I want it to.
# I'm not sure why / how this is different that Method #1
say @lines.split(" - ").Hash;
# Method #3 - This is the same as Method #2
my %data = @lines.split(" - ");
say %data;