Carry Compare

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#include <stdio.h> #define cmp(arg, cmp_list) ((Carry_Struct<decltype(arg)>(arg) cmp_list).is_true) template<typename type> struct Carry_Struct{ bool is_true; type value; Carry_Struct(type in) { is_true = true; value = in; } }; #define CREATE_COMPARE(syntax) \ template<typename type> \ Carry_Struct<type> operator syntax (Carry_Struct<type> carry, int compared) \ { \ if(carry.is_true == false) return carry; /*Short circuit*/ \ if(carry.value syntax compared == false) carry.is_true = false; \ return carry; \ } CREATE_COMPARE(<) CREATE_COMPARE(>) CREATE_COMPARE(<=) CREATE_COMPARE(>=) CREATE_COMPARE(==) CREATE_COMPARE(!=) // Beware of dragons, != and == must be the last compares, // elsewise the precedence will not be left to right as it reqires. // -- Sample of the C precedence problem: // cmp(1, == 5 < 10) // this does 5 < 10 // cmp(1, == 1) // And now it does 1 == 1 // true // And that becomes true int main() { for(char i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if(cmp(i, > 3 <= 12 != 7)) // Magic { printf("Pass: %i\n", i); } else { printf("Fail: %i\n", i); } } return 0; }
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