Glob Parsing

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use v6; grammar Glob { token TOP { <term>+ } token term { || <match> || <char> } token match { <match-any> | <match-one> } token match-any { '*' } token match-one { '?' } token char { . } } class GlobMatcher { has @.terms; method ACCEPTS(Str:D $s) { my @backtracks = [ \([ $s.comb ], [ @!terms ]) ]; BACKTRACK: while @backtracks.pop -> (@letters, @terms) { LETTER: while @letters.shift -> $c { last LETTER unless @terms; my $this-term = @terms.shift; my $next-term = @terms[0]; given $this-term { when '*' { # Continue to the next term if we can if @terms and $next-term ne '*' | '?' and $c eq $next-term { push @backtracks, ([ @letters ], [ '*', |@terms ]); redo; } # Match anything, and try again next round unshift @terms, $this-term; } # We have a letter, so we match! when '?' { } # Only match exactly default { # If not an exact match, we fail; try again if we can next BACKTRACK if $c ne $this-term; } } } # If we matched everything, we succeed return True unless @terms; # Otherwise, try the next backtrack, if any } # We ran out of back tracks, so we fail False; } } class GlobAction { method TOP($/) { make => $<term>.map(~*)) } method term($/) { make $/.made } method match($/) { make $/.made } method match-any($/) { make '*' } method match-on($/) { make '?' } method char($/) { make ~$/ } } my $matcher = Glob.parse("*.txt", :actions(; for <foo.txt bar.txt baz.html blah.blah.txt> -> $f { say "$f matches" if $f ~~ $matcher; } sub glob($glob, :$globlang = Glob) { $globlang.parse("*.txt", :actions(; } for <foo.txt bar.txt baz.html blah.blah.txt>.grep(glob('*.txt')) -> $f { next unless $f ~~ glob('*.txt'); say "$f matches"; } <foo.txt bar.txt baz.html blah.blah.txt>.grep(glob('*.txt')).say; grammar SQLGlob is Glob { token match-any { '%' } token match-one { '_' } } <foo.txt bar.txt baz.html blah.blah.txt>.grep(glob('%.txt', :globlang(SQLGlob))).say;
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