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# Trie: Autocomplete class # Trie is used to suggest words based on what you are searching for. For instance, if you search for # "ap", it should display words that start with "ap", such as "ape" or "apple". class Trie(object): def __init__(self): self.root = Node('', False) # create root node self.current_node = self.root def add_word(self, inp): # run hasword first print("\n#=============================# \n\n\tADD WORD \n\n\tAdding '"+str(inp)+"' to our list") if not self.has_word(inp): # see what current node is, that is our starting point # get length of current node, start for loop there for i in range(len(self.current_node.value), len(inp)): # loop through word starting from current node # iterate from length above to end of len(inp) # let's say we're adding "apple" and our last node is "ap" # current_node.value == 'ap' # range above would be range(2, 5) or "ple" node = Node(self.current_node.value+inp[i]) # add new node containing "app" self.current_node.children.append(node) # add node to current node children self.current_node = node # change current_node to created node if self.current_node.value == inp: print("\n\t"+str(inp)+" added to our node list") self.current_node.isword = True return True else: print("\n\tThe word '"+str(inp)+"' word already exists in our list") return False def has_word(self, inp): self.current_node = self.root print("\n:-----------------------------: \n\n\tSEARCH WORD \n\n\tSearching for '"+str(inp)+"'") print("\n\tCurrent node: root node") for i in range(0, len(inp)): # loop through word for child in self.current_node.children: if inp == child.value: self.current_node = child print("\tNew current node: " + str(self.current_node.value)) print("\tFound word!") return True if inp[:i + 1] == child.value: self.current_node = child print("\tNew current node: " + str(self.current_node.value)) break print("\n\tDidn't find word.") return False def looker(self, _node): # loop through all children nodes of this node for child in _node.children: # make sure this node has children if len(child.children) > 0: # if child is a word if child.isword: print("\n\t- " + child.value) # print the word self.current_node = child # set current node as this child self.looker(self.current_node) # run function on the new current node def print_word_starting_with(self, inp): # find all words starting with "ap" self.has_word(inp) # this gets us to the current_node that we need, so "ap" for child_node in self.current_node.children: self.looker(child_node) class Node(object): def __init__(self, value, isword=False): self.value = value self.isword = isword self.children = [] # testing trie = Trie() trie.add_word("apple") print(trie.has_word("app"))
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