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use Test; my &golf = {[Zmax](@_».comb).join.split(' #')[0]} for $=finish.split("---\n")».chomp -> $in, $out { is golf($in.lines), $out, $out.perl; } =finish hello #Line one #Line two world! #Line three --- hello world! --- E #This comment intentionally left blank ac # h s # ecti # on is # one c # haracte # r longer # than the # last! # --- Each section is one character longer than the last! --- 4 #This number is 7 8 # 15 #That last comment is wrong. 16 # 23 # 42 # --- 4815162342 --- Hello #Comment 1 world #Comment 2 , #Comment 3 how #Comment 4 are #Comment 5 you? #Comment 6 --- Hello world, how are you? --- Prepare # for... # extra spaces! # --- Prepare for... extra spaces!
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