A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofu

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import System.Random (randomRIO) bullshit = [ "A " ++ a ++ " is just a " ++ b ++ " in the " ++ c ++ " of " ++ d ++ "s, what's the problem?" | a <- nonsense , b <- nonsense , c <- nonsense , d <- map fixY nonsense ] where fixY ('y' : "") = "ie" fixY (c : cs) = c : fixY cs fixY "" = "" nonsense = [ "category" , "functor" , "monad" , "monoid" , "manifold" , "group" , "magma" , "morphism" , "natural transformation" , "endofunctor" , "zygohistomorphic prepromorphism" ] main = randomRIO (0, length bullshit - 1) >>= \n -> putStrLn (bullshit !! n)
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