How to break nest loop (bench solutions)

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<?php //Problem: When the investList run up to 10000, the loop times can be 10000*10000=100000000, how to optimize this? //create test data $investList = []; $times = 5000; for($i = 1; $i <= $times; $i++) { $investList[] = [ 'id' => $i, 'cash' => mt_rand(1, 10000), ]; } echo 'Run Times: ' . $times, "\n"; //copy a investList as refundList but shuffle it $refundList = $investList; shuffle($refundList); //nest loop solution bench $refundList1 = $refundList; bench(); foreach($refundList1 as $index => $refund) { foreach($investList as $invest) { if($invest['id'] == $refund['id']) { $refundList1[$index]['invest_cash'] = $invest['cash']; } } } echo 'Execute Time(nest loop): ' . bench(), "\n"; //break nest loop solution bench $refundList2 = $refundList; bench(); $investList = array_combine(array_column($investList, 'id'), $investList); foreach($refundList2 as $index => $refund) { #foreach($investList as $invest) { #if($invest['id'] == $refund['id']) { if(isset($investList[$refund['id']])) { $invest = $investList[$refund['id']]; $refundList2[$index]['invest_cash'] = $invest['cash']; } #} #} } echo 'Execute Time(break nest loop): ' . bench(), "\n"; //check two solution's result match in the end $result = (md5(print_r($refundList1, true)) === md5(print_r($refundList2, true))) ? 'true' : 'false'; echo 'Result Match: ' . $result, "\n"; // print_r($refundList1); // print_r($refundList2); //output an item to check its struct echo 'Last Item: '; print_r(array_pop($refundList1)); print_r(array_pop($refundList2)); //Solution: /** * first call bench() store start time * second call bench() get runtime from last time and reset start time * @example bench(); //start for($i = 0; $i < 1e6; $i++) { //do something } echo 'Execute Time: ' . bench(); */ function bench() { static $start; if (! $start) { $start = microtime(true); return; } $duration = microtime(true) - $start; $start = 0; return $duration; }
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