NFA simulator based on regex type derivatives

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#include "share/atspre_staload.hats" // following: staload _ = "prelude/DATS/list_vt.dats" datatype Regex = RElit of char // individual characters are regexes | REcat of (Regex, Regex) // if E and F are regexes, so is EF | REalt of (Regex, Regex) // if E and F are regexes, so is E|F | REopt of Regex // if E is a regex, so is E? | RErep of Regex // if E is a regex, so is E+ datatype LocalRegexContext = InSeqL of Regex // a Seq with the left arg removed | InSeqR of Regex // a Seq with the right arg removed | InAltL of Regex // an Alt with the left arg removed | InAltR of Regex // an Alt with the right arg removed | InOpt // an Opt with its only arg removed | InRep // a Rep with its only arg removed typedef RegexContext = List (LocalRegexContext) extern fun plug (Regex, LocalRegexContext): Regex implement plug (e, ctx) = case+ ctx of | InSeqL f => REcat (e, f) // e in _f is ef | InSeqR f => REcat (f, e) // e in f_ is fe | InAltL f => REalt (e, f) // e in _|f is e|f | InAltR f => REalt (f, e) // e in f|_ is f|e | InOpt () => REopt e // e in _? is e? | InRep () => RErep e // e in _+ is e+ extern fun plugContext (Regex, RegexContext): Regex implement plugContext (e, ctx) = let implement list_foldleft$fopr<Regex><LocalRegexContext> (acc, ctx) = plug (acc, ctx) val res = list_foldleft<Regex><LocalRegexContext> (ctx, e) in res end datatype Direction = Starting | Finishing typedef RegexState = @(Direction, Regex, RegexContext) extern fun next (RegexState): List_vt RegexState implement next (rst) = case+ rst.0 of | Starting () => let in // this group corresponds to the edges out of starting states case+ (rst.1, rst.2) of | (RElit x, c) => $list_vt{RegexState} ((Finishing, RElit x, c) : RegexState) | (REcat (e, f), c) => let prval () = lemma_list_param c in $list_vt{RegexState} ((Starting, e, list_cons (InSeqL f, c))) end | (REalt (e, f), c) => let prval () = lemma_list_param c in $list_vt{RegexState} ((Starting, e, list_cons (InAltL f, c)), (Starting, f, list_cons (InAltR e, c))) end | (REopt e, c) => let prval () = lemma_list_param c in $list_vt{RegexState} ((Starting, e, list_cons (InOpt, c)), (Finishing, REopt e, c)) end | (RErep e, c) => let prval () = lemma_list_param c in $list_vt{RegexState} ((Starting, e, list_cons (InRep, c))) end end | Finishing () => ( // this group corresponds to the edges out of finishing states case+ (rst.1, rst.2) of | (e, list_cons (InSeqL f, c)) => $list_vt{RegexState} ((Starting, f, list_cons (InSeqR e, c))) | (f, list_cons (InSeqR e, c)) => $list_vt{RegexState} ((Finishing, REcat (e, f), c)) | (e, list_cons (InAltL f, c)) => $list_vt{RegexState} ((Finishing, REalt (e, f), c)) | (f, list_cons (InAltR e, c)) => $list_vt{RegexState} ((Finishing, REalt (e, f), c)) | (e, list_cons (InOpt (), c)) => $list_vt{RegexState} ((Finishing, REopt e, c)) | (e, list_cons (InRep (), c)) => $list_vt{RegexState} ((Finishing, RErep e, c), (Starting, e, list_cons (InRep, c))) | (_, _) => list_vt_nil () ) extern fun emit (RegexState): List_vt @(char,RegexState) implement emit (s) = let val s' = next (s) typedef T = @(char,RegexState) vtypedef VT = List_vt T implement list_vt_map$fopr<RegexState><VT> (s') = case+ s.0 of | Finishing () => ( case+ s.1 of | RElit x => $list_vt{T} (@(x, s') : T) | _ => emit s' ) | _ => emit s' // end of [list_vt_map$fopr] val res = list_vt_map<RegexState><VT> (s') val () = list_vt_free (s') val res = list_vt_concat<T> (res) in res end extern fun finishesTrivially (RegexState): bool implement finishesTrivially (st) = case+ st.0 of | Starting () => let val c = st.2 prval () = lemma_list_param (c) in case+ st.1 of | RElit _ => false | REcat (e, f) => finishesTrivially @(Starting (), e, list_cons (InSeqL f, c)) | REalt (e, f) => finishesTrivially @(Starting (), e, list_cons (InAltL f, c)) | REopt e => finishesTrivially @(Finishing (), REopt e, c) | RErep e => finishesTrivially @(Starting (), e, list_cons (InRep, c)) end | Finishing () => let val c = st.2 prval () = lemma_list_param (c) in case+ c of | list_nil () => true | list_cons (InSeqL f, c) => finishesTrivially @(Starting (), f, list_cons (InSeqR st.1, c)) | list_cons (InSeqR e, c) => finishesTrivially @(Finishing (), REcat (e, st.1), c) | list_cons (InAltL f, c) => finishesTrivially @(Finishing (), REcat (st.1, f), c) | list_cons (InAltR e, c) => finishesTrivially @(Finishing (), REcat (e, st.1), c) | list_cons (InOpt (), c) => finishesTrivially @(Finishing (), REopt st.1, c) | list_cons (InRep (), c) => finishesTrivially @(Finishing (), RErep st.1, c) end extern fun consume (char, RegexState): List_vt RegexState implement consume (c, s) = let val s' = emit (s) typedef T = @(char,RegexState) implement list_vt_filter$pred<T> (x) = (x.0 = c) val res = list_vt_filter<T> (s') implement list_vt_map$fopr<T><RegexState> (x) = x.1 val res0 = list_vt_map<T><RegexState> (res) val () = list_vt_free (res) in res0 end extern fun recognize (string, Regex): bool implement recognize (cs, e) = let fun go {n:nat} (s: string(n), rs: List_vt RegexState): bool = if string_is_empty (s) then let implement list_vt_foreach$cont<RegexState><bool> (x, env) = ~env implement list_vt_foreach$fwork<RegexState><bool> (x, env) = env := finishesTrivially (x) var ans = (g0ofg1)false val () = list_vt_foreach_env<RegexState><bool> (rs, ans) val () = list_vt_free (rs) in ans end else let val c = string_head (s) val s = string_tail (s) implement list_vt_map$fopr<RegexState><List_vt RegexState> (s) = consume (c, s) val res = list_vt_map<RegexState><List_vt RegexState> (rs) val () = list_vt_free (rs) val res = list_vt_concat<RegexState> (res) in go (s, res) end // end of [go] val cs = (g1ofg0)cs val st = $list_vt{RegexState} (@(Starting (), e, list_nil ())) in go (cs, st) end // end of [recognize] implement main0 () = let val () = println!("hello world!") // a(b|c+)d val re0 = REcat (REcat (RElit 'a', REalt (RElit 'b', RErep (RElit 'c'))), RElit 'd') val-true = recognize ("abd", re0) val-true = recognize ("acd", re0) val-true = recognize ("accd", re0) val-true = recognize ("acccd", re0) val-false = recognize ("abbd", re0) val-false = recognize ("efg", re0) val () = println!("successfully ran all tests") in end
PATSCC=$(PATSHOME)/bin/patscc -DATS_MEMALLOC_LIBC PATSOPT=$(PATSHOME)/bin/patsopt PATSOLVE=$(PATSHOME)/bin/patsolve_smt RMF=rm -f all: main; ./a.out main: main.dats; $(PATSCC) main.dats
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