Ternary Operators

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/* Ternary operators are a way to quickly evaluate logic in JavaScript. It takes three operands in the format expression ? if true : if not true However, these are simply, and as such, they cannot return values - they can only assign value. */ /* If the expression is evaluated as true, it will return the value in the first expression block. Otherwise, it returns the value in the second expression block. */ var expression = false; var value = expression ? true : false; console.log(value); /* The evaluation can still run even if it is not assigned to a variable; it can then assign value to free variables. However, if the same expression is assigned to a variable, it will return the value assigned to the free variable. */ var b = 0; expression ? b = 1 : b = 2; var c = expression ? b = 1 : b = 2; console.log(b); console.log(c);
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